And if the policy-makers at the EU aren't even reading the expensive research output they're (sorry, we're) paying for (€8 million I believe) then something needs to change.
This is not obscure stuff from your point of view, Ryan. It's all about the very technology and economics behind the 'specialised services' you were so keen to promote just a few weeks ago in Connected Continent.
You might claim to never have heard of the ETICS project, but they've certainly heard of you. What's more they think their ASQ concept informed the 'Connected Continent' proposals. Long quote from their white paper follows, but worth the journey...
"In September 2013, the European commission has made regulatory proposals for a Connected Continent, explicitly recognizing the opportunities for Assured Service Quality offers as one of the new source of growth and innovation in Europe, and which has to be in operation side-by-side with a well-functioning best-effort Internet access service."
Now where have I heard that sort of thing before? So if you really haven't read it yet, you'd better give it a read now Ryan. After all, you (I mean we) paid for it.Ian (I.D.) Scales, Managing Editor" 'via Blog this'
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