Birmingham 10th April - Masters with godkids
Barcelona 11-18th April - CEPT conference, Hotel Sants - also Figueres
Amsterdam/Leiden 19th April - Rand - hopefully see Sacha too, it's been 5 years
Cambridge 20th April - CII wireless open day
Highgate 24th April - cricket!
Training for 10k run for 15th May
Tokyo 28th May - 4th June
Riigby London 4th June - IRB 7s
Zurich Harvard conference 16th-19th June
TADOBATIS Oxford 24th-26th June
I ran 9000 metres yesterday - and can walk today!!
Also confirmed 2 summer school lecturing stints - CII 28 June and Oxford 15 July-ish.
Easter is obviously over...